Dry Eye

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Dry Eye

Normal eyes are constantly covered by a tear membrane, a permanent layer designed to remain intact between blinks. A solid tear film prevents the nerves of the cornea, the transparent front surface of our eyes, from being irritated and allows the eye to maintain clear, comfortable vision.

Tears are a complex mixture of water, fats, proteins, electrolytes, bacteria-fighting substances, and growth factors that regulate various cell processes. This mixture helps the surface of our eyes to be soft and clean. Good vision is impossible without the tear film.

The tear membrane protects and wets our eyes. Every time our eyelids blink, it helps clear our eyes of any debris, reducing the risk of eye infection. When irritated by dust, or damaged by wind, smoke, or soot, extra tears are produced to help wash away impurities.

The decrease in the production of fluids from our tear glands disrupts the strength of the tear membrane, causing it to rapidly break down and form dry spots on the cornea, causing irritation and decreased vision. An imbalance in the substances that make up the tear film can also cause our eyes to dry out.

Signs and symptoms of dry eye, which are generally expected to occur in both eyes, may include the following:

  • *Feeling of a foreign object in the eye
  • *Stinging, burning or itching sensation in the eye
  • *String-like residue formation in or around the eye
  • *Increased eye irritation due to smoke or wind
  • *Eye fatigue and/or blurred vision after a long period of reading
  • *Difficulty in wearing lenses in contact lens users

In some people, dry eyes are caused by an imbalance in the composition of tears. In some people, the eyes do not produce enough tears to stay adequately lubricated and wet. Other causes, such as medications and environmental factors, can also cause dry eyes.

Dry eyes occur with a decrease in tear production or a deterioration in their quality. Just like skin and hair, our tear production generally decreases as we get older. When the eyes do not produce enough tears, our eyes become easily irritated. The medical name of this disorder is “keratoconjunctivitis sicca.” The tear membrane has three basic layers: oil, water and mucosa. Problems with any of these layers can lead to dry eye symptoms. Our eyelids blink, spreading tears in a continuous, thin membrane all over the surface of our eyes.

Medicines that can cause dry eyes:

  • *Diuretics,
  • *Drugs used to treat high blood pressure
  • *Antihistamines and decongestants
  • *Sleeping pills
  • *Tricyclic antidepressants
  • *Drugs for acne treatment
  • *Some pain relievers

Problems not related to tear production or tear quality can also cause dry and itchy eyes. These:

  • *Inflammation along the edge of the eyelids (Blepharitis)
  • * Disorder in which the eyelid turns inward (Entropion)
  • *Disorder in which the eyelid sags from the eyeball (Ectropion)
  • *Environmental irritants such as smoke, sun, wind, low humidity, indoor heating
  • *Impairment in blink reflex
  • *Allergic reaction to eye drops or ointment
  • *When you visually concentrate on something, such as working on the computer, driving or reading, the time between blinks increases.

Although dry eyes can affect both men and women at any age, the condition is more common among women, especially after menopause. This may be due to hormonal changes. Damage to the tear glands due to inflammation or radiation can disrupt tear production. Dry eyes may also occur with medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, and Sjogren's syndrome.

It may seem contradictory; Despite the dryness of the eyes, tears may still flow down the patient's cheeks from time to time. The production of tears occurs in two ways: 1-In basic tear production, tears are produced at a slow, steady rate and your eyes are kept lubricated. 2-In the process of reflex tear production, large amounts of tears are produced in response to eye irritation or sensations. Reflex tears contain more water than basic tears and the amount of mucosa and oil is lower. When the eyes are irritated from dryness, the lacrimal glands can bring the eyes into a state of intense tearing, consisting of reflex tears. The fluid fills the tear ducts and overflows from the eyelids. Since these tears are of low quality, they do not prevent dryness. This, in turn, can cause more tear production, in a vicious cycle.

For most people with dry eye, it is a chronic condition. The aim of treatment is to reduce the number of 'bad days' and to ensure that the difficulty experienced during these times is minimized as much as possible.


Prevention is superior to cure. Take preventive steps.

Like any liquid, tears evaporate when exposed to air. These simple measures are useful to slow evaporation:

  • *Avoid blowing air into your eyes. Do not point hair dryers, car radiators, air conditioners or fans at your eyes.
  • *Wear glasses on windy days. Wraparound style glasses can help reduce the effects of wind.
  • *Keep the humidity level in your home between 30 percent and 50 percent.
  • *A humidifier that can be used in winter can add moisture to the dry indoor air.
  • *Don't forget to wink. Consciously blinking repeatedly can help distribute your own tears more evenly across the eye.
  • *Avoid rubbing your eyes. You can further irritate your eyes by rubbing them.



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